I almost said no.

One day my friend called me about work.

They were looking for a piano player. Playing piano for a melodrama theater.

I was on the skids, I needed cash, but the pay was pitifully little.

I told her I couldn’t work for that.

But my friend said to re consider. Yes the pay is meager, but instead of being insulted, take a chance.

Sometimes saying yes to small things leads to bigger things. She was right of course.

So I went and auditioned, and just barely made an impression, and I was hired. One day a week was offered, and that quickly turned into several days a week, and many raises.

While there, I met many wonderful friends, and over years led to other work.

While there, in a funky theater, playing six shows a day, I learned many things about myself, and my abilities. I learned about theater. I learned about quality. I learned about enjoying the process of living.

I learned about art. It was an education, and it was fun. I felt like the kid who joined the circus, and every one I worked with was just like me.

Most important, I met my future wife, who I am still desperately in love with, so many years later.

Yes, as it turns out, is the most useful word in the language.

I think about this often, as the years flow by.

And I think about that sour day, years ago

When I almost said no.